With almost 50% of people claiming to be incapable of living without the Internet and mobile users increasing exponentially, a seismic shift is about to take place in how we use this technology.

The Internet has grown faster than previous communications, including the telephone. In a short period of time the Internet and our mobile devices have become an essential part of our lives.

But in order to survive, it will need to adapt and evolve along with its users. No longer can it be a tool where you locate information but it needs to become an integrated part of our lives.

How will the Internet and mobile become people-first?

Connective While the Internet is rapidly expanding to connect individuals, it will also need to expand to connect to everything from computers to smartphone mobile devices and data.

Proactive The days of asking the Internet a question and it responding with an answer will soon be a memory from the past. To stay relevant the Internet will need to anticipate the questions before we ask them. It will know so much more about us that it will use that data to predict our needs.

User-centric Designing for a computer and translating that information for mobile is over, but so is mobile-first as a strategy. In the future, everything will be designed for the user. The user will be the one to take the information with them wherever they go.

Are you ready for the future? Let us help you enhance the user experience and adoption of your mobile app.