womanshoppingFrom bar codes to e-commerce, digital disruption and change is nothing new to the retail industry, but mobile is enabling emerging trends and behaviors that are bringing major changes.  Successful retailers will embrace these changes and create more targeted and personalized shopping experiences.

These trends influence and shape the way marketers in retail attract, retain and grow customers.  Here are some of the recent mobility developments in retail that we’re following:

Are you missing out on the mobile retail opportunity?
Shopping on mobile is starting to outperform desktop retail for the first time. We reveal the nature of the mobile retail opportunity in our new infographic.

Everyone’s a retailer
Over the past few years there’s been a clear shift in consumer behaviour. Young adults of previous generations once favoured shiny labels, designer brands and physical shopping experiences, however today’s millennials have different priorities.

What is working and what is creepy with in-store mobile: report
As more bricks-and-mortar retailers employ mobile and tablet devices to augment consumers’ in-store experiences and drive point-of-sale purchases, they must also be aware of features which customers find helpful, such as product reviews, and those that individuals find abrasive, such as digital display prices, according to a new report from RichRelevance.

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