manwithmobileWho should you target as a marketer, older customers or millennials? For the last several years those born after 1980 and labeled as millennials have been the focus of marketers. While they are growing in numbers and potential buying power, many lack the money to buy.  Unlike older customers with established incomes, millennials are often mired in student loan debt, high rent prices and lower incomes.

With benefits to be had by engaging both audiences, here are some tips to more efficiently expand your impact with each group.


Focus on creating multicultural mobile campaigns. This part of the millennial population is exploding. Especially when targeting specific demographics, consider that young African-Americans and Hispanics predominantly access the Internet via mobile devices.

Without the cookies to track these groups from traditional online searches, marketers will need to go where they are: social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and music sites. These sites provide a way to reach these audiences based on profile not usage. Marketers need to use mobile-friendly content more than ads if they want to capture this growing audience.

Older Customers

Traditional retailers are focusing on customers 45 years and older to market to, because they have the money to spend. Older customers are more established in their careers and have more income to splurge on bigger purchases too.

This segment of the market shops not only in brick and motor stores but also online and are mobile-friendly. Marketers can capture them with stream-lined and personalized omni-channel customer service.

Find out how we can help you utilize mobile to reach both of these customers. Contact us!