Mobile App vs. Mobile Web – who wins?

Mobile Marketer published a good article on the mobile app/web debate this week.  The article rightly points out that companies looking to invest in the mobile space should have a clear goal.  At Pervasive Path, we recommend clients embed mobile Web as a foundation of any mobile strategy as the app space is usually reserved for highly loyal customers or circumstances where mobile Web simply cannot satisfy the end goal.

One point in the Mobile Marketer article I do not agree with is, “Many industry experts believe that when in doubt, roll out a mobile site and app strategy.”  When in doubt, do both.  Really?  That seems like a very expensive hedge to me.  A company should pursue a mobile app strategy only if there are clear business reasons to do so.  Once you begin to go down the app path, where do you draw the line?  Do you build the app just for the iPhone or do you cover the gamut of iPhone, iPad (iOS), Windows8, Android smartphones, Android tablets, Kindle Fire, and what about Blackberry?  Next you get to deal with nuances between operating system versions, hardware variations on Android, screen sizes and the whole app submittal process for the iTunes Store, Google Play, etc.   Just so I am clear – companies looking to invest in a mobile app strategy should have a solid business case and fully understand the development and maintenance issues they are about to inherit.  I think the days are long gone where simply having an app in the app store is good for marketing and brand awareness.

Here’s the Mobile Marketer article: Who Wins the Apps Versus Mobile Sites Debate?