Situation: Consumer expectations forced the retail banking industry to rapidly adopt mobile.  Led by a few major financial institutions, mobile capabilities became an “arms race” to attract, acquire and retain customers for banks.

Response:  Our team, in cooperation with  one of the leading enterprise software platforms for financial institutions.  led the implementations for 40+ banks  and credit unions– from strategy to development to deployment.

Value: Our proven methodology and experience provided enterprise class systems integration for banking customers accustomed with large-scale marketing and technology initiatives.  In almost all the mobile initiatives, our team began with the definition of what and how to deploy mobile banking with the financial institution.  We led the development (application and user interface design) and worked jointly with the bank’s IT team to integrate the consumer facing system with a myriad of complex back-end systems.  Collectively, our teams worked through a number of challenges with the implementations dues to limitations of the bank systems – i.e. the business logic to support consumer banking and bill pay was embedded in the e-commerce Websites, not part of a bank-end system or other Web service.  As such, our mobile team work helped repurpose and/or redesign processes to support multi-channel experiences in a unified manner.  Upon completion of development, we worked with our bank client to jointly test, deploy and grow adoption of the mobile solution.  Today, our solution has supported half a billion mobile banking transactions.